Silent Teddies Bakery
Mission: To empower persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing with the right skills set and for them to acquire as much good knowledge as possible to ready themselves for staffing in or outside of Silent Teddies Bakery.
Objective: To operate a long-term project that can generate income while providing employment opportunities as well as training persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing with life skills to successfully cope with the demands of everyday life.
The Silent Teddies Bakery, first initiated as a self-help vocational training programme by CSCD was officially registered as a social enterprise on 6th July 2017 in Kuala Lumpur. It is mainly staffed by Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons. Silent Teddies Bakery won the MaGIC Amplify Award in 2016 and has been granted the Social Enterprise Accreditation Status by The Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives (MEDAC) on 23rd December 2019. A good number of Deaf youths have been trained here and found employment. Part of the net proceeds of sale of cookies and catering from the bakery is set aside to support the programs of The Community Service for the Deaf (CSCD).

The Community Service Centre for the Deaf
Objective: To raise funds for the CSCD Revitalization Project
CSCD is a non-profit and non-governmental, situated adjacent to Silent Teddies Bakery provides free education to Deaf and Hard of hearing children. The building that houses CSCD has seen better days – due to age, certain parts have given way and drifted towards a dilapidated condition. Silent Teddies has taken on a huge task to help raise enough funds to restore the building to structural safety to be fit for use as a learning and training centre for the Deaf Community.

CSCD Revitalization Project by Silent Teddies
Sign Language was first introduced in Malaysia in 1964 by the Late Tan Yap, which was known as the Father of the Deaf, Malaysia. He had contributed greatly and impacted many Deaf in our community. He passed away in year 2014 and left the Deaf Centre to us. In order to continue his legacy of fulfilling his vision and mission for the betterment and welfare of the Deaf, Silent Teddies have undertaken the big challenges to rebuild the Deaf Centre through revitalization project.
Read more about CSCD revitalization project here.